Informatica Quick Tips
Session Override Properties for ODBC
When connecting to DB2 iSeries and the Session reads some data but does not complete. A Function Sequence error is given, use these overrides.OptimizeODBCWrite=No;BlkDtmNumRowsMax=1;OptimizeODBCRead=No;

Remove number sign (#) from Informatica Flat File Target Header Row, add this Custom Property on the Session Config Object tab, (in the Advanced section):RemoveOutputHeaderHash = Yes
Informatica Output & Numeric Excel Columns
Situation: Numeric flat file columns in Excel are treated as a numeric. Excel treats the column as scientific notation. To have the data in Excel formated with leading zeros CHR(160) || RTRIM(LTRIM(PLANKEY)) . The CHR(160) represents a non-breaking space in ASCII.Removing Non-breaking space from a String
REPLACECHR( 0, Port_Name, CHR(160), NULL )
REPLACECHR( 0, Port_Name, CHR(160), '' )
Searching Strings for pattern, similar to SQL LIKE function
INSTR returns the starting position of the search value, zero if unsuccessfulSIGN returns Returns whether a numeric value is positive, negative, or 0. I found this tip on the ITToolbox
SIGN(INSTR(MAPPING_NAME, 'Extract'))1 is returned if pattern found
0 is returned if pattern not found
Target table PRE SQL to delete current date rows. Add this to the session, target pre-sql option
Parse Characters From Within A String, leaving only the Numbers
Sample input: 780 (Case Pack)Sample output: 780
REPLACECHR(0, Port_Name, REPLACECHR(0, Port_Name, '0123456789', ''), '')I found this tip on the Informatica Community Forum
This Excel function will format an SAP material number
To get the full, zero padded material number, use:=REPT("0",18-LEN(B1))&B1
How to remove ASCII New Line-CHR(10) and Carriage Returns-CHR(13) from a String
REPLACECHR( 0, REPLACECHR( 0, Port_Name, CHR(10), ' '), CHR(13), ' ')
Complicated way to convert string column to numeric
Remove old integration service from db so you don't see it in WF Manager
Split Name into First, Middle and Last
Found this on the Marketplace, Split First and Last Name using RegEHow to compare the current value of a port with its previous value
Name | Type | Expression | Comment |
V_LASTVALUE | Variable | I_VALUE | Stores value of the GROUP_ID from previous row. This port is set first. |
I_VALUE | Variable | GROUP_ID | Stores value of GROUP_ID from current row |
GROUP_ID | Input/Output | Input value to be stored. | |
O_VALUE | Output | IIF(V_LASTVALUE=I_VALUE,'1','0') | Output value to compare these value of GROUP_IDfrom previous and current row |